Firearms listed on this page are from my personal collection. If you live outside of Arizona, you will have to pay for the shipping and insurance from my dealer to your dealer. For more information, please contact NOTE ON PRICINGPlease note that all rifles that I list are very special and highly accurate rifles. These are hand build to the exact same specification as the military rifles using only the finest USGI componants. (If you have any questions concerning what was done to these Crazy Horse® rifles, please check the specification sheet.)If you are concerned about the price, it may be useful to compare these rifles with the White Feather rifle made by Springfield Armory, Inc. These rifles generally sell for approximately $5000. The Crazy Horse® rifle does not have any commercial cast componants and is equipped with the Leupold scope which the military specifies. Moreover, unless otherwise noted, the Crazy Horse® rifles all use the LRB forged receiver. These receivers are generally accepted as being the best commercail receiver avaialble today. The only better receiver availabe is teh Smith Enterprise receiver and those are extremely difficult to find. When you compare all teh feathres, you will quickly see that the Crazy Horse® rifle is not only the best M14 rifle avaialbe today, but represents great value..SOLDNew Old Stock Smith Enterprise M14. This rifle was purchased new in 1986 and kept in a safe since then. It even has the original grease inside the receiver. All GI parts including TRW bolt and op rod. It also has a NM front sight, SEI special gas cylinder and hard chrome piston and Crazy Horse® springs. The stock looks new and is clean. The butt plate looks un-issued. The last time I had one of these was in August '05. All in all, a great Smith Enterprise M14 rifle. $5000.00 Crazy Horse TriggersAuthentic Crazy Horse (USGI) trigger groups. These are authentic Crazy Horse trigger groups made by Smith Enterprise, Inc. Trigger pins have been replaced with SEI S7 tool steel pins for improved durability and reliability. The hammer spring is a Crazy Horse spring. Trigger pull is approximately 4.5 lbs. Unlike all other match tuned trigger, all critical surfaces which were stoned during the tuning process (thereby removing the case hardened portions of metal-to-metal contact) are specially hardened to ensure that pull and "feel" remain constant over the life of the rifle. Finally, each trigger group is re-finished and specially marked "Crazy Horse." Very limited supply. $375.00Smith Enterprise Competition M14 Service Rifle. This rifle was made by Ron Smith in 1987 for his own use. He sighted it in and kept in a safe ever since. It is literally New Old Stock. It has all of the excellent workmanship you would expect from a Smith Enterprise high power match ready M14. PLUS, it is a Smith Enterprise receiver. The Stock is a GI Big Red and bedded to the receiver. The selector slot is expertly filled in and there is a maching piece of wood over the filler. You have to look hard to even see it. The front ferrule is epoxied to the stock and you can see from the photos that the blending workmanship ir out of this world. The front sling swivel is heli-arc welded. The barrel is a Barnett Douglas Air Gauge heavy match barrel with a 1:10 ROT. The bonus is that the serial number is in an italic font, the only one Ron ever serialized this way. The heel is also stamped with the crest of the U.S. Special Forces. You will never see another like this. SoldSOLD -- Fully transferrable Mk14 Mod O select fire EBR. This is the real deal. New Old Stock Smith Enterprise select fire receiver. Smith Enterprise built only 178 pre-86 full auto receivers. All TRW parts. Just built by Smith Enterprise to Navy specifications inlcuding an 19" chrome lined Crazy Horse barrel. There is only one of these in existence. No more will be built.
SOLD Presentation grade Crazy Horse® Rifle.This is an absolute stunner which is buit on a GI Birch stock which has incredible tiger striping and figure. Smith Enterprise has ceased building civilian rifles due to the demands of military contracts. These stocks are no longer available. There will not be another rifle like this one. Presentation Grade Crazy Horse Rifle.SOLD Springfield Armory M1AThis rifle is built up from a Springfield Armory M1A receiver.
SOLD Two other Crazy Horse® rifles built on Smith Enterprise receivers. These were sold before I could even list them.SOLD Matched Pair Crazy Horse® RiflesDo not miss this opportunity to own a Matched pair of Crazy Horse® rifles. Specifications:
SOLD Crazy Horse® RifleThis rifle is brand new. It was manufactured on an LRB semi-automatic receiver along with the 2nd Infantry Division rifles in Early 2005. Features include: